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5 Clever Ways to Organize School Artwork

5 Clever Ways to Organize School Artwork

Are you the type of person who thrives in a clutter-free zone, where minimalism reigns supreme? Or maybe you just love having everything in its rightful place. If so, you know all too well how quickly things can spiral out of control when your little Picassos bring home a mountain of masterpieces from school. Before you know it, you're drowning in a sea of paper!

It's a common dilemma: do you risk the guilt of throwing away their creative efforts, or do you find a way to keep and honor their artistic endeavors? As they grow, they'll have the chance to revisit their artwork and decide which pieces they want to hold onto.

For those creations that really stand out, keeping them is an obvious choice. Tucked away in a keepsake trunk, these pieces can be preserved alongside other favorite mementos. Our Memorize Trunks are perfect for this— heirloom-quality steel and one-of-a-kind, they serve as an ideal treasure chest for your child to revisit and enjoy their favorite art pieces.

If you're ready to tackle the challenge of storing and organizing most of your child's artwork, here are five heartwarming and practical ideas to help you get started:

1.  Organize with Binders and Clear Poly Pockets

For a straightforward approach, transform each piece of artwork into a page in a binder. Clear poly pockets are perfect for this; they allow you to slip in new artwork with ease. Organize the pockets by school year, season, or theme. It's a simple, yet effective, way to keep everything in order.

2.  Create a Kids School Art Scrapbook

Roll up your sleeves for a crafty bonding session with your little one. Gather your supplies—scissors, glue, a sturdy journal—and let your imaginations run wild. Embellish the pages with a dash of sparkle, colorful stickers, textured fabric, or quirky buttons. There are no rules in this creative haven!

3.  Scan or Photograph for a Digital Archive

If physical clutter has you feeling overwhelmed and you've got the green light from your kiddo, digitize their school artwork. Scan or snap a photo, save it on a drive, and (with a little sigh of relief) bid farewell to the original. Just remember to keep your digital files organized and digitally-safe (backed up).  

4.  Turn Art into a Hardcover Kids Art Photobook

Elevate your child's artwork by transforming the digital collection into a sleek, hardcover photobook. Imagine the pride swelling in their little chests as they spot their very own book on the shelf. It's a beautiful way to honor their talent, a conversation starter, and a thoughtful grandparent gift.

Photo credit: Amazon - KINLINK

5.  Display and Store with Shadow Boxes

Shadow boxes offer a clever solution for both showcasing and storing artwork. They're not just for display; their depth allows you to layer multiple drawings or house three-dimensional creations like papercrafts and pressed flowers. It's art storage that doubles as home decor.

Each of these ideas can be beautifully consolidated within our spacious keepsake trunks. These trunks grow richer with memories as the years pass. Together with your child, you become the curators of an evolving family art gallery. Select the pieces that resonate with you both each season, and create a legacy of creativity and love.